What I embraced was the bogeyman, "he said."
IN BRITAIN it is the bogeyman that comes to take away naughty children.
But Jobs is also the bogeyman that has forced fearful media bosses to change their approach to Webified TV.
The hero’s attempts to solve the problem unwittingly upset the bogeyman, who takes a lengthy ironic revenge.
The hero's attempts to solve the problem unwittingly upset the bogeyman, who takes a lengthy ironic revenge.
When your kids are afraid of the dark or the bogeyman under the bed, the appropriate thing as a parent is to be sensitive to their fears but also not to panic yourself.
The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman.
There was no Halloween bogeyman in the closet for one Brooklyn woman in New York—just a 7-foot-long python in her toilet.
But why has the oil bogeyman become less scary?
There was no Halloween bogeyman in the closet for one Brooklyn woman — just a 7-foot-long python in her toilet.
Mr Brown will remind voters of the suspicious share deals Ms Whitman enjoyed when she was on the board of Goldman Sachs, currently America’s favourite Wall Street bogeyman.
The policy may jangle inflationary nerves but it is in fact designed to combat deflation, the new bogeyman.
One of the great curiosities of recent years has been the transformation of Tony Benn from a national bogeyman to national treasure.
Web services standards too are threatened by the complexity bogeyman, but an alternative strategy known as REST promises a more straightforward approach.
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
Small children are right to fear the night — but it is shift - worker, not bogeyman, they shall be worried about.
On the one hand, Google has become a privacy bogeyman, dropping off the list of the top 20 companies trusted with customer privacy.
I know Replenishment is a popular bogeyman, but we don't think Replenishment itself is the problem. It's just a generous source of regen at a time when there are many generous sources of regen.
I know Replenishment is a popular bogeyman, but we don't think Replenishment itself is the problem. It's just a generous source of regen at a time when there are many generous sources of regen.