Figure 5 shows the bottom panel.
The stripe in the bottom panel shows the amount of time left.
Once the pins are released, the bottom panel simply lifts up.
Observe that the new profile is now listed in the bottom panel.
The bottom panel contains an integrated 6 cell Li-Polymer battery pack.
The bottom panel shows you also the actual available bubble and next 2 bubbles.
The Adamo USES a very slick locking system, shown here, to hold the bottom panel in place.
In a preferred version the cover is adapted to be raised and lowered over the bottom panel.
The battery connects to the motherboard with an orange ribbon cable. This cable should be disconnected before entirely removing the bottom panel.
The bottom panel of the main GUI consists of buttons for adding or modifying employee records, for clearing the form fields of a panel, and for exiting the application.
Second, the bottom panel of the surface to avoid led drilling hole position is fixed by the screw to install wall on, installed according to the design of plate and fixed thread on each word.
Click the Access TAB on bottom of the right panel.
Horman, meanwhile, says Apple is on the right track, displaying a panel of open apps at the bottom of the screen in iOS 4-enabled iPhones and iPod Touches.
同时霍曼表示,苹果的做法不错,内置IOS 4的iPhone和iPod都在屏幕的底部显示已经打开的程序。
A description of the different server environments display at the bottom of the panel when you highlight that server environment.
Finally there are two new tabs at the bottom of the panel.
Also notice the navigation controls at the top and bottom of the panel.
To change the color click on the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel and choose Hue/Saturation .
要更改色调,需点击图层面板底端的创建新的填充或调节图层按钮,并选择色相/饱和度 。
On the supply side (chart 2, bottom panel), the main source of new gold-what is dug out of the world's goldmines-has been flat or declining.
To create the mask click on the Add vector mask button at the bottom of the Layers Panel.
Click on the layer Comps menu and select new layer comp or click on the Create a new layer comp button at the bottom of the layer Comps Panel.
Now add a Line Edit widget from the Inputs list and click on the 'enabled' property in the bottom left panel to disable it.
At the bottom of the page, add a hidden panel using the following code.
When you add an LDAP to the federated repository, three links for additional properties display at the bottom of the configuration panel.
In the Status panel at the bottom right you will see that your business was successfully published.
From the right panel (close to the bottom), click on Maintenance.
Click the For ActiveMQ link at the bottom of the panel to create the new JMS resource group.
单击面板底部的For Active MQ链接以创建新的JMS资源组。
When the step details panel appears at the bottom of the screen, enter Create properties file as the name of the first step.
When the step details panel appears at the bottom of the screen, enter Create properties file as the name of the first step.