Ninety minutes later, the point team for CTU Los Angeles sat around the table in the briefing room.
A three-toned ring interrupted his thoughts. Jack answered the briefing room phone, listened for a moment, then slammed down the receiver.
With both of these mobile apps, Americans can get alerts directly from the White House, check out behind-the-scenes photos and videos, and read the latest news from the blog or the Briefing Room.
Neither will they reward him for recalling Parliament and conspicuously camping out in Cabinet Office Briefing room a-or COBRA, to give the room its more impressive-sounding acronym-when he got back.
All press briefings will be held in the Scientific Sessions' press briefing room ( Room 612 ) at the Colorado Convention Center .
所有新闻简报会都可在科罗拉多会议中心的科学会议新闻简报室( 612 室)领取。
A classified briefing awaits Obama in his private dining room just outside the Oval Office, along with cheese, crackers and a pear.
Military personnel applaud Obama and Biden after they depart a briefing in "the Tank", the secure Joint Chiefs of Staff conference room inside the Pentagon.
Military personnel applaud Obama and Biden after they depart a briefing in "the Tank", the secure Joint Chiefs of Staff conference room inside the Pentagon.