At the same time let us also realize that in addition to increasing the capitalization rate, there are other ways to control the banking risk.
The capitalization rate which is used for calculating and determining the amount of the borrowing costs to be capitalized in the current period.
The analysis indicates that a capitalization rate of 8.01% can be taken for reference when evaluating housing projects in Guangzhou.
The stock price as the dummy capital is capitalization of stock interest related with interest rate.
Paradox 2-the paradox in the level of operation, that is, the paradox inacquiring the concrete capitalization rate.
The object of this thesis is the important parameter return rate of income capitalization approach in real estate appraisal.
Growth rate, size, collateral value and the capacity to generate internal resources, does not have any great impact on capitalization choices of Chinese pharmaceutical firms.
It analyses the expenses in detail and raises the way of determining the rate of income capitalization and at last the justified appreciation plot price of agricultural land is obtained.
Based on the up-mentioned points, the high monetization ratio of China will see a longer life until the growth rate of M2 which is driven by resources capitalization is lower than that of GDP.
Based on the up-mentioned points, the high monetization ratio of China will see a longer life until the growth rate of M2 which is driven by resources capitalization is lower than that of GDP.