Objective To explore the changes of time-dependent pulmonary artery structural remodeling in pulmonary hypertension induced by high pulmonary flow in rats.
The changes of germination percentage, fatty acid value and viscosity of paddy with the changes of time and temperature in the storage condition of different temperatures are investigated.
"By following individuals over time," Salthouse said, "we gain insight in cognition changes, and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline."
During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people's living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded.
Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.
If the book has one major shortcoming, it's that the authors don't spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these sweeping changes.
But if the book has one major shortcoming, it's that the authors don't spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these sweeping changes.
No doubt, they will also bring the people of the country closer together, and in time bring about deep social changes, the full nature of which no one can fully guess.
Wind speed changes from time to time, depending on the time of day, weather and location.
I couldn't believe the changes which had taken place in such a short time and the qualities I admire in Chinese people are their wish to succeed, their family values and their sense of responsibility.
The IT infrastructure of an organization is dynamic and changes over time.
Somewhere back there in the mists of time people noticed that changes in how the sky looked related to the turn of the seasons.
Since the business computing environment changes from time to time, the separation of logical and physical data modeling will help stabilize the logical models from phase to phase.
The list of certificates changes over time.
Let's examine these parameters' influence on the indexing time. Notice the values of these parameters and the changes on the indexing time.
Furthermore, as the character of the system load changes over time, the cache rebalances, retaining resources that are currently most valuable.
When the rule changes over time, all parts of the system that reference the rule will also be changed.
But the real value of the project will be the ability to map changes in the thickness of the sea ice over time, as further maps are produced.
The vertical velocity changes as a function of time and height above ground for the deep warm cloud.
Most of the time we procrastinate any lifestyle changes (adding more exercise, developing healthy habits) due to the lack of time or busy schedules.
A useful feature of the Web diagram editor is the ability to reflect any changes of the underlying resources in real time.
Moreover, the blend changes over time, and with it, the performance of the economy.
Without that definition, the complex task of effectively assembling the code and changes over time is impossible.
As the system changes over time some level of security should keep up, and even improve if new security holes are discovered.
Time line chart: This chart shows the changes in number of queries and users along with the average and worst response time.
Instead of constantly stopping to run the program, the audience can see effect of the changes in almost real time.
After this Developer exports his or her changes, the changes made by the package upgrade are also exported and replayed in the main schema at the time of importing the changes.
An offset is simply the difference between UTC and local time, whereas the time zone is a named set of rules describing how the offset changes over time.
An offset is simply the difference between UTC and local time, whereas the time zone is a named set of rules describing how the offset changes over time.