Now, Brazil's economy is booming and the growth of the middle class, which included the majority of Brazilians for the first time in 2009, is changing every facet of life.
In 1967, within a generation of Maslow’s article, Herbert Gans wrote a classic book, “The Levittowners”, which described the changing mindset of America’s new middle class.
年, 与马斯洛的文章同处一个时代的赫伯特·甘斯创作了一部经典著作《里维特城镇居民》,其中描述了美国新兴中产阶级正在改变的思维定势。
In 1967, within a generation of Maslow's article, Herbert Gans wrote a classic book, "the Levittowners", which described the changing mindset of America's new middle class.
However, in order to understand the social character of the middle class, we must examine the in-betweeness of their class situation and how changing inter-class relations shape their mentality.
But middle-class Chinese parents' attitudes may be changing along with the country's rising wealth.
But middle-class Chinese parents' attitudes may be changing along with the country's rising wealth.