Still, it’s not too shabby for a couple of people who churned out an accidental product in the name of love—for the Web, that is.
However, Bardem's name may bring in a couple of stragglers, but I predict anyone that sees this will have an emotional response to the film's ending that will leave many in tears.
The report said some parents are so keen on English letters that a couple tried to name their baby "@", claiming the character used in email addresses reflects their love for the child.
A couple of days later I slept on the veranda outside a restaurant in a town too small to feature on my map. I didn't catch its name.
But, as a friend of the couple points out, Kate couldn't risk accepting any job that made her look as if she was cashing in on her boyfriend's name.
Build or find some good name files (a couple are included in the code archive), and we will never want for names again.
Therefore, he was taken in by a couple called the Allans, who gave him his middle name.
Still, it's not too shabby for a couple of people who churned out an accidental product in the name of love—for the Web, that is.
The couple was backed by the county administrative court in goteborg , which ruled on march 13 that there was no reason to block the name.
In theory, a couple may choose either the husband's or the wife's last name, but in practice, 96 percent of women assume their husband's.
Suri, the name chosen by Hollywood couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for their newborn daughter, is raising more than its share of interest in Israel.
In Italy, judges prevented a couple calling their kid Venerdi aka Friday. They reckoned the name - taken from Robinson Crusoe - would expose the boy to "mockery".
Football superstar David Beckham has suggested that the royal couple should name their baby after him. "I think they should go for David," he said in an interview this week, adding: "If it's a boy."
With a slip of note written in the name of Sun Yat-sen, he tried to persuade the couple to get back together. He took their picture and put it in the book.
巧合的是孙浩与国父同姓,他巧妙得借孙先生之名在纸条上力劝两人重归于好, 同时拍下了两人在一起的相片, 一起夹在书中。
In China, it seems that marriage means having a house, it is reported that a newly married couple got divorced because their parents didn't figure out the legal name of the house.
In China, it seems that marriage means having a house, it is reported that a newly married couple got divorced because their parents didn't figure out the legal name of the house.