So, off I went to the back of the store to use the courtesy phone near the customer service desk. I called and spoke with a very friendly woman, and she was happy to walk me through the process.
On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.
Such news comes to us courtesy of British citizens who pay a TV license fee to support the BBC and taxes to support the World Service.
So, off I went to the back of the store to use the courtesy phone near the customer service desk.I called and spoke with a very friendly woman, and she was happy to walk me through the process.
Free supplies courtesy of the National Health Service await a formal finding that the medicine is cost-effective.
Today, a handful of early-adopters are currently sharing this type of information through Facebook's News Feed and status updates courtesy of the mobile social networking service Brightkite.
People not only complain about the content of service but also the lack of courtesy and enthusiasm in cabin service.
The USS Olympia, in active service during the Spanish-American War, is the subject of one of the projects assigned in the course. (Photo courtesy of the U. S. Navy.)
The USS Olympia, in active service during the Spanish-American War, is the subject of one of the projects assigned in the course. (Photo courtesy of the U. S. Navy.)