Without it, none of the Crave articles you've read by me would have been possible.
It was a trooper. Without it, none of the Crave articles you've read by me would have been possible. But it's retired.
Since both are strong on tact not so strong on the aggressiveness and tend to crave affection.
It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car.
Why do we crave love so much, even to the point that we would die for it?
Kids are equally tuned into what they don't want. Why should they bother with something of little-to-no interest when they could have (or plead for) the thing they crave?
Why should they bother with something of little-to-no interest when they could have (or plead for) the thing they crave?
If you crave the feeling of being untethered, light as a feather, tossing your things is a great way to go. But it's not easy.
Not only does your body crave the work vacation to reduce your stress level, your family deserves your focused attention.
Nor, even if these obstacles are overcome, can the scheme be quite the administrative panacea that Indians crave.
After the wrenching economic crisis of the past year, people crave stability and predictability-in short, normalcy.
Again notice when you may crave sugar the most, and chances are that it is late at night.
"People try to avoid thinking about the foods they crave," said Carey Morewedge, an experimental psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
I can't see or feel the change from one season to the next, I crave greenery, and I constantly wrestle with the emotion of feeling trapped.
Human beings crave the respect of others; it's coded into our DNA.
Many would like a kindlier tone, but, perhaps due to an aroma of xenophobia that some detect on the picket-line, they crave a speedy resolution even more.
If only I were more or better or different, then I would receive the love I so desperately crave.
The human brain is wired to crave the instant gratification, fast pace, and unpredictability of technology, Cash says.
The inherent crave for the unknown always exists in our inner souls.
Employees crave a sense of purpose, and the boss who can supply it will get the best out of them.
Think like a customer and write in a conversational tone - people crave a little humanity behind the corporate mask.
We also throw out as much as a third of all the fats and sugars we otherwise crave, which, I suppose, keeps the obesity epidemic from being even worse than it is.
The scientists anticipate that consumers will adapt quickly to the idea, and indeed crave the freedom of not requiring a keyboard, mouse, or remote control for surfing the Web or changing channels.
The scientists anticipate that consumers will adapt quickly to the idea, and indeed crave the freedom of not requiring a keyboard, mouse, or remote control for surfing the Web or changing channels.