The CRISIS STAGE: The U. S. economy suddenly looks weaker than almost anyone expected.
At the crisis stage, the percentage of OKT4 decreased in the severe and very severe types while the percentage of OKT8 was close to normal level.
Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.
In the containment stage, central Banks need to lend quickly, to avoid a liquidity crisis that will undermine sound institutions.
As my column this week points out, we have heard a lot of denials all though this debt crisis; at each stage, the problems have been downplayed.
The IMF's relevance may have been in doubt during the boom years but the crisis has seen it return decisively to centre stage.
The crisis of confidence in Japanese authority is still at the seedling stage.
One thing is for sure: a return to euro-zone recession would set the stage for a prolonged crisis environment, through which the survival of the currency area will constantly be in question.
Let's listen as they figure out how to move forward at this stage of the crisis.
At the early stage of the global financial crisis, I called for confidence, as confidence is more important than gold and currency.
The crisis has been building for weeks, but has now reached a critical stage.
Merkel's warning that the situation will not be resolved with a single "spectacular event" alarmed analysts, who fear that further indecision could trigger another stage of the crisis.
Of the three central banks thrust centre-stage in handling the crisis—those in America, Britain and the euro area—the Bank of England might have been expected to rise most to the occasion.
Gold's surge may indicate that investors fear the next stage of the crisis will occur in the foreign-exchange markets.
The new law would have provided the Fed with an additional tool for combating the latest stage of the crisis: from October 1st it would have paid interest on reserves that Banks maintain at the Fed.
But Mr McGuire has also figured out what the next stage of the crisis will mean for investors.
The second stage of culture shock is in a sense a crisis in the disease.
Morrison says Japan withheld key data during the early stage of the crisis. Recent estimates indicate radiation released at twice the levels of what had originally been acknowledged.
As the public crisis management is still in its initial stage, it needs a breakthrough for the news media to be involved in the public crisis management.
As to the crisis occurred, we should recognize and evaluate it accurately and rapidly, to well prepare for the crisis appeared in the next stage and establish a management system for crisis forecast.
The third stage: the recovery and evaluation stage on the school crisis management.
The crisis reaction stage is the core of the crisis management.
The systematic goal of the crisis every stage of management system as well as the systematic method which has been concerned with, and the systematic technology stress each not identical.
The second stage: the reaction stage of the school crisis.
Conclusion (1) The problem of mental crisis during epidemic outbreak stage of SARS were deserved to pay close attention.
Job vacancies in the City of London are almost a quarter lower than at the same stage last year and it is taking much longer to fill posts as the banking crisis has sapped employers' confidence.
But as the worst crisis since the Great Depression appears to be passing, we could be setting the stage for the next one.
Public crisis prevention is the first and the core stage in public crisis management and the social security system plays a special role in preventing and resolving public crisis.
At the early stage of the global financial crisis, I called for confidence, as confidence is more important than gold and currency.
At the early stage of the global financial crisis, I called for confidence, as confidence is more important than gold and currency.