Supposing I am the director of the company.
Now she is interviewed by the director of the company.
I had impression that your brother was the director of the company.
They gave jimmy the title of sales manager but he was really a sort of man friday to the director of the company.
The Director of the company Mr. Gao Yongxing is looking forward to cooperating with friends from home and abroad, to create a bright and magnificent future together.
She was edged out of the company by the new director.
The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position.
Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, the director of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of a German company.
据一家德国公司在美国的子公司AutomationParkingSystems 的计划主管阿里·米尔斯坦称,停车费每月将收入约400美元,或每天25美元。
Fiat (whose chairman, John Elkann, is a director of The Economist’s parent company) has not decided whether the combined group’s headquarters will be in Turin or Detroit.
The firm began with his purchase of a shell company, Wire and Plastic Products, with money borrowed against shares in Saatchi &Saatchi, the advertising agency where he was finance director.
"If any wave motor of which I have knowledge will be a success the Reynolds is the one," said a local engineer who also happened to be a director of the newly formed California wave motor Company.
Ahmet Arda, managing director of AMR Resources, says his company has accelerated the production of rare earths in southern Turkey to take advantage of the shortage.
The company said it hoped that Karren Brady would continue in her role as managing director and that most of the management would also remain in place, including team manager Alex McLeish.
"In many ways, the coffeehouse is the original social network, so social media is a natural extension of who we are as a company," says Alexandra Wheeler, director of digital strategy for Starbucks.
For the last 30 years of his working life (1888-1918) he was managing director of the company.
Kotak, the company director in Mumbai, says he thinks any clothing price increases may be more manageable in the growing economies of Asia than in the West.
If compliance director finds its necessary, he can hire external professional institute or expert in the name of the company to assist his work.
After a company merger in 1997, Rescorla became director of security at Morgan Stanley, where he maintained vigilant attention to the firm's — and the building's — safety.
The company's stock offering prospectus reveals that the managing editor of the Los Angeles Herald, Frank E. Wolfe, was actually a director of the company.
这家公司的股权招标书中显示洛杉矶先驱导报的总编辑法兰克e .伍尔夫正式型公司的董事。
Absent a board of directors, the executive director of a limited liability company shall be the legal representative thereof.
The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.
The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.