First discuss the conception and basic characters of the earnings management.
And the earnings management issue has always affected the quality of information of listed companies.
Then the earnings management degrees of samples are estimated, and the paper makes single sample t-test to them.
There are the close relations between the accounting standards development mechanism and the earnings management.
We compare the earnings management of a group of private banks with that of a group of similarly-sized public banks.
In order to take advantage of competition of the capital, the earnings management will be used as a management tool.
Discuss the earnings management behavior of state-holding listed company based on its property right characteristic and defect.
Each part of and the earnings management relations have carried on the real diagnosis inspection to the CEO salary structure in.
The result shows that: the earnings management presents an inverted-U relations with the proportion of the first major stockholder;
In a certain degree, the earnings management plays a positive role to solve contract rigidity and information communication barrier.
This case study and regulating the use of the method of combining the earnings management in China, the problems of system analysis and research.
The second part limited the scope of the earnings management, and compared the earnings management, the excessive earnings management with earnings control;
The fourth part mainly discussed the theory and the realistic factor which affected the earnings management, and carried on the gambling analysis to the related parties.
The third part analyzed the earnings management on the foundation of introducing the Game Theory, and pointed out that this kind of behavior was an inevitable phenomenon.
After analyzing the major factors affecting accounting earnings, we find that the controlling shareholder plays an important role in the earnings management which can affect earnings quality.
This paper will combine them and study the impact of diversification on the earnings management in order to make helpful Suggestions and offer valuable reference for the domestic enterprises.
The paper analyze the relation between stock prices and earnings management by using the Ohlson and Feltham model.
Public companies also have to worry more about short-term earnings than do private companies, and management is required to kiss the butts of hedge fund managers and analysts.
The biggest contributors to that growth came from higher merchant interchange income and higher wealth management service fees, the bank said in its earnings announcement.
The story quotes CASH Asset Management director Patrick Yiu noting that China Unicom has seen no particular boost to earnings after signing a three-year deal with Apple in 2009.
该报道援引时富资产管理有限公司(CASH Asset Management)董事总经理姚浩然(PatrickYiu)的话指出,中国联通自从在2009年与苹果公司签订了一份为期三年的独家销售iPhone协议之后,并没有获得什么特别的盈利增长。
While I don't think it is likely that management embezzled the cash, I also don't see that they have benefited from the fraud on the market caused by inflated stock prices due to inflated earnings.
Little wonder that Exelon supported the bill enthusiastically: management sees a billion-dollar annual boost in earnings should it pass.
Earnings management is an important field in the study of the modern accounting theory.
To compile the list, we spoke to agents, lawyers and other sources to estimate a star's gross earnings (before taxes, management fees and other costs).
The factors to consider include balance sheet items, corporate management, business prospects and earnings outlook.
The factors to consider include balance sheet items, corporate management, business prospects and earnings outlook.