In addition, the economic life cycle decreases in the price declining rate.
The long-term trend in profitability (claims and operating costs as a percentage of premiums) for America’s non-life insurers shows no obvious correlation with the economic cycle.
The application of the thermo economic optimization design in an air-source heat pump system is important in achieving economical life cycle cost.
The dynamic characteristic of official crime is analyzed by an economic model based on life cycle hypothesis.
The concept of bridge life cycle costs, bridge economic assessment, and some approaches to improve the bridge economy are presented in ibis Paper.
According to the principle of air transportation economics, a study is conducted on the economic variations of aircraft at each stage during its life cycle And on this basis.
Consumption plays a great role in economic growth. According to economic principle, consumption is not only the final stage but also the logistic start in the life cycle of social production.
The coupling relation of petroleum resources exploitation and regional economic sustainable development of mineral areas is discussed on the basis of the theory of resources requisite life-cycle.
The nuclear power is the high-efficient, safe, clean and economic energy. However, same as the products entering the market, it also has its own market life-cycle.
The granary project decision-making based on life cycle cost proceeds can provide the optimal comprehensive economic benefits for granary projects.
The economic analysis of the life cycle of gasohol derived from ethanol is a very important process of the life cycle assessment and multi-objective optimization of ethanol derived from cassava.
The calculation equation of the economic insulating layer thickness in different service life was (derived) through the life cycle economical analysis of the mini-cold storage.
Because the equipment prophase management has profound effect to the economic cost of the life cycle, it must be given enough consideration.
Through the life-cycle cost analysis and found that the durability of concrete in high-cold region has obvious economic advantages, with the great application and popularization.
Through the life-cycle cost analysis and found that the durability of concrete in high-cold region has obvious economic advantages, with the great application and popularization.