Obviously it does not have the weather, but it has the draw for young people and certainly the financial sophistication; plenty of smart people and the sense of globalization are very important.
He said that the globalization of financial markets was built on a "false pretense" that financial markets could be left to their own devices and said global regulation was needed.
Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, many people have started to question the globalization process. Will the trend of globalization be reversed?
With the deepening of economic integration and financial globalization, banking internalization has become an irreversible trend.
Especially in the 90's, the whole world financial market changed enormously because of the globalization of the world economy and the integration of the financial market.
The existing economic theories and models can be applied to the economic and financial globalization, the surging wave of reality?
With the globalization of the financial situation, especially our country to lift the restrictions on foreign Banks, state-owned commercial Banks face unprecedented challenges.
Under the background of international economic and financial liberalization, integration and globalization, China joins WTO and participates the international economic circulation more actively.
One of the remarkable characters of late international economic life is financial globalization.
You can cause globalization to disintegrate just by inflating a housing bubble, bursting it, and watching the financial chain reaction unfold.
The globalization of finance and the relaxation of control have brought about many problems as well as greatly promoted the prosperity of financial market.
The internationalization of RMB is not only beneficial to China, but also beneficial to the economic and financial globalization.
Facing new challenge brought by financial globalization, how to supervise the increasingly large financial holding conglomerate becomes a new issue to the financial supervision in China.
In the tide of globalization of finance, the unity operation and unity management in our country's financial market results in the market segregation and resources waste to a great extent.
Their rise amounts to a new phase in the globalization of financial markets.
Internationalization of financial regulation is one of the objective requirements of financial globalization.
Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.
In order to withstand a variety of external shocks in the midst of financial globalization and frequent financial crisis, strengthening regional monetary cooperation has become an inevitable choice.
The deepening of globalization process has led to an increase in foreign exchange transactions in international financial markets.
With the acceleration of globalization process on economy and finance, financial competition became severely.
This paper held that in the process of China's financial globalization and regionalization, the improvement of China's financial regulatory laws should be undertaken by means of harmonization of laws.
In the context of globalization, financial privacy law should not be considered just from the perspective of domestic law.
As a big country, which is in the process of globalization, China has not been spared in this financial turmoil.
Driven by the trend of economic integration, financial globalization is developing rapidly.
The outsourcing in financial services has grown dramatically in the past few years in the background of globalization.
The outsourcing in financial services has grown dramatically in the past few years in the background of globalization.