Friends of the Earth, for example, says the efficiency of stoves is irrelevant if they burn renewable fuels such as dung or wood, as those in poor countries often do.
Friends of the Earth help to keep the environment clean.
Sadly, Friends of the Earth South Africa believes nothing can be done to lessen the carbon footprint, despite the reassurances made by the various cities.
Nick Berning, a US spokesman for Friends of the Earth, described Hummers as "about the most highly polluting personal vehicles on the roads".
Britain is the world centre of a multibillion dollar "carbon offset" industry which is failing to lower global greenhouse gas emissions, a major report from Friends of the Earth claimed today.
Shanghai, one of the most promising cities on the planet of the earth, cordially welcomes friends from all over the world.
Friends of the Earth was founded in the same year that man first walked on the Moon. The inaugural Earth Day happened a year later.
The groups include Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the RSPB.
Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an indispensable part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung.
Unknown risks: The solar radiation management approach to climate change could adversely impact on out weather systems, and would do nothing to combat carbon build up, says Friends of the Earth
pollution increased support for the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth;
A woman from Friends of the Earth accuses the panel of being free-market technocrats.
一个地球友人(Friends of the Earth)的女士指责世界经济论坛的专门问题小组只是一群倡导自由市场的技术派。
We all your friends invite you to place your intent on bridging this planet and all beings here with that of the abundant land of the new earth.
With an appearance of deep interest in the well-being of their friends on earth, they insinuate the most dangerous errors.
Friends of the Earth Middle East is an organization of activists from Israel, Jordan and the territories.
The environmental activist group Friends of the Earth says it is dangerous.
Friends of the Earth has called for suspending further research until rules are made for the technology.
Members of Friends of the Earth Middle East say the Jordan could run dry unless something is done.
We would like to pay sincere friends Quartet P Plus friendly, County jointly develop the rich treasure of the earth.
But Friends of the Earth Middle East says that would cost too much and could damage the environment.
I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted - to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.
After that, I would come back to the earth and show my photos of the moon to my friends.
I pray the best wish for my families, my friends and all who care about me, I pray for the porpoise year for all citizen of the family of us earth!
The earth, our dearest mother — BUT, my friends, do any of you have considered how serious the problem will be when the earth is polluted, the air is not fresh, the forest is not flourishing?
Together with his friends, he must battle through the ruins of old earth, fighting off the horde of alien monsters to return to SkyArk and bring peace back to the people.
The friends that we hare last do not repose in the bosom of the earth , but are buried deep in our hearts ; and it has been thus ordained , that we may always be accompanied by them.
The friends that we hare last do not repose in the bosom of the earth , but are buried deep in our hearts ; and it has been thus ordained , that we may always be accompanied by them.