Mr Ouattara has called for it, but Ghana and the Gambia objected.
To assess the resources for essential and emergency surgical care in the Gambia.
Such studies have been carried out in Chile, Colombia, The Gambia, Indonesia, Uruguay and other countries.
Two of these, Rwanda and the Gambia, have now initiated the use of PCV in their routine infant immunization schedules.
Through WHO, the Gambia has been informed of the situation in order to assess the epidemiological situation in Tandji locality.
These cloth stamps from Grenada, the Gambia, Sierra Leone and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, honour the humble teddy bear.
Five countries (Sri Lanka, Argentina, the Comoros Islands, the Gambia and Congo) would hit such a firm with taxes exceeding 100% of its profits.
The case was identified as a 27 year-old fisherman working in the Gambia (Tandji locality) who presented with clinical symptoms of fever and jaundice.
Two of them, Nepal and the Philippines, have since abolished it again; in the other two, the Gambia and Papua New Guinea, there have been no executions.
No suspected cases have been reported from other countries within the meningitis belt, namely Eritrea, Guinea, the Gambia, Kenya, Mauritania and Senegal.
An opposition leader has criticised a wave of arrests in the Gambia, saying detainees - including a former minister - do not know why they are being held.
After the Gambia yellow fever outbreak in 1978-1979, a village-based serological retrospective study estimated some 8000 cases and 1700 deaths had occurred.
冈比亚在1978- 1979年发生黄热病疫情之后,曾进行过一次以村庄为基础的血清回顾性研究,估计出现过8000个病例,有1700人死亡。
In the Gambia, the annual incidence of meningitis fell from more than 200 per 100 000 to 21 per 100 000 in 12 months, and the disease has now virtually disappeared.
Our representative in the Gambia is continually being thanked and offered prayers by both the children and their families, which are directed towards you as a sponsor.
我们在冈比亚的代表不断受到孩子们和他们家庭的感谢和祝福,这归功于你- - -资助人。
A second suspected case reported in Thies region, Senegal was also a fisherman from Tanji locality in the Gambia, showing neurologic symptoms including an altered mental state.
In the face of high routine and recent preventive vaccination coverage in both Senegal and the Gambia, an epidemic is not anticipated and emergency vaccination is not required at this time.
They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry.
It was the belief that he could find his "root" in Africa that made Alex Haley decide to go to Gambia.
Gambia has also had measurable success in bolstering the overall number of female instructors.
Prisoners who might earlier have been absorbed into the victor’s army or workforce, or killed, were now fed to European and American ships seeking human cargo, from Gambia round to Mozambique.
It is simply not something that most people in the pews care very much about, whether they live in Oxfordshire or Gambia.
Less costly rice came into the ports of Gambia and Ivory Coast.
This person recognized the words for "river" and "guitar," and so Haley thought that his ancestor must have come from Gambia.
This person recognized the words for "river" and "guitar," and so Haley thought that his ancestor must have come from Gambia.