The Green Party is attempting to shift the American consciousness.
The Green Party hopes to put up more candidates in the next election.
The Green Party motto is Think Globally, Act Locally.
The last count showed that the green party was leading.
And Elizabeth May won a first-ever seat for the Green Party, in British Columbia.
This finding was reinforced by an ICM poll in the constituency in December for the Green Party.
The Green Party of New Zealand (inexplicably) brought in an Australian and promptly made him an MP.
Unnecessary duplication in mobile phone networks is wasting an "enormous" amount of energy, the Green party has claimed.
The policies of the Green Party include the phasing out all coal mining and all coal-fired electricity power stations.
Because nearly everyone-from the Green Party to trainspotters and award-winning architects-has, they suppose, a better idea.
One possible route would be to seek the formal or informal support of the Green Party, traditionally part of the centre-left grouping.
I spoke at the launch of the campaign for Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, because her platform addresses the need to protect them.
Maybe we can put into action as the Green Party did, outside society, but we may also be such as Lao Fu be sentimental, lingering in mind.
But some of the party's middle-class voters regard the Euro-elections as a chance to express their environmental concerns by backing the Green party.
A longtime member of the Green Party and the founder of a vegetarian cooperative restaurant, she has been concerned for years about global warming.
That shaved a couple of percentage points from Ms Rousseff's commanding lead, although it benefited Marina Silva of the Green Party rather than Mr Serra.
Former Environment Minister Jürgen Tritten of the Green Party once claimed that switching Germany to renewable energy wasn't going to cost citizens more than one scoop of ice cream.
Mr. Green was invited to sing an English song at the party and he sang well.
Outright hostility was a driving force in the rise of the opposition Green party.
His Green Party has few seats in Congress but he has surged in opinion polls to draw neck-and-neck with Mr Santos and could well win in the event of a run-off.
尽管Antanas Mockus所领导的绿党在国会中几乎没有拥有席位,但在民意测验中,他的支持率却最近一路飙升,与桑托斯先生并驾齐驱;一旦进行决胜选举,他可能将大胜而归。
“The announcements sound good, but I’m concerned because there seem to be no hard decisions,” says Alexander Bonde, a Bundestag member from the opposition Green party.
一个反对派绿党的联邦议员亚历山大·邦德(Alexander Bonde)声称“说得好听,但我只关心目前做了什么决定。”
Beyond a nod towards things like green technologies and nursing homes, the party appears to give little thought to increasing growth, allocating resources better or dealing with stubborn deflation.
TRUE STORY: the email invite to last year's VideoJug Christmas Party was written entirely in red and green "Curlz" and the entire office was sick blood.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the decidedly green governor of California, was one of the few luminaries in the party unaffected by last year's electoral meltdown.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the decidedly green governor of California, was one of the few luminaries in the party unaffected by last year's electoral meltdown.