Somalia's chaos is just across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen.
Their effect may be merely to shift the problem from the Gulf of Aden to the Indian Ocean.
From there they sailed a short distance across the Gulf of Aden to Somalia.
He says tens of thousands flee across the Gulf of Aden seeking a better life.
Yemen, on the opposite shore of the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, is equally burdened.
Kouchner says the European ships would reach the Gulf of Aden sometime in December.
The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden on April 11.
Aerial support has been used to improve information and security in the Gulf of Aden.
China also engages in naval escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia.
The survivors said their bodies were thrown overboard in the Gulf of Aden, " Redmond added.
The Gulf of Aden and the east coast of Somalia accounted for 130 of this year's attacks.
Somalia drapes over the tip of east Africa and into the Gulf of Aden, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.
For years, the death toll has been mounting among Somalis and Ethiopians crossing the Gulf of Aden in rickety smugglers boats.
Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.
Since January, at least 91 ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden, a 1 million-square-mile waterway between Somalia and Yemen.
1月份以来,至少有91艘船只在1百万平方英里的亚丁湾海域被劫。 亚丁湾位于索马里和也门之间。
China took a big step in this direction late last year by participating in a multinational anti-piracy campaign in the Gulf of Aden.
According to the scheme, the first fleet will officially depart from the Gulf of Aden after the joint convoy for the second time.
After a spike in pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden in the fall, 18 countries contributed warships to an Armada to police the region.
According to plans, the first convoy will depart from the Gulf of Aden on April 18 and is expected to return to Sanya, Hainan on April 28.
Just about every week now, we also hear about Africans dying in the Gulf of Aden, Africans fleeing the Horn of Africa, particularly Somalia.
The 20-plus warships now deployed in the Gulf of Aden are a fraction of what would be needed to guard thousands of commercial ships, sources say.
The shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden, to Somalia's north, and the Indian Ocean, to the east of the lawless country, are among the busiest in the world.
Some ships have begun taking the long route, around Africa's Cape of Good Hope (cost: up to $500, 000 a sail), to avoid the Gulf of Aden, off Somalia.
In 2008, pirates attacked more than 120 commercial and private vessels, mostly in the Gulf of Aden between Somalia and Yemen at the mouth of the Red Sea.
In 2008, pirates attacked more than 120 commercial and private vessels, mostly in the Gulf of Aden between Somalia and Yemen at the mouth of the Red Sea.