It made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient.
That's the thing — it really is like a stage show except the stage is the whole cosmos and all kind of weird things that are happening all around.
If you consciously train your mind to see only good aspects of the reality, it will only show good events happening around you.
Just running the client with the server doesn't show you what's happening, of course.
The Bang Bang Club was a magazine headline that stuck, and referred to a group of photographers who braved the carnage to show the world what was happening.
These examples show that only when the annual probability of such a disaster was reasonably large would it have paid for BP to spend a lot to prevent such a leak from happening.
And with the social context on top of location, we show a unique kind of view to what’s actually happening on the ground, ” Skyhook’s VP of Marketing, Kate Imbach says.
If your web page contains a button that makes an Ajax or RESTful service call and displays the results, you should do something with the browser to show the user that something is happening.
如果您的we b页含有一个按钮,可以进行一个Ajax或RESTful服务调用或者显示结果,您应该利用这些浏览器来显示用户即将发生的事情。
Jacqueline Chan brought her son to a community center near Happy Valley. "I wanted to show my son how to support others, let him know what is happening now and how to support the survivors," she said.
The number of rows read (7700000) versus the number of rows written (77) show that a table scan is likely happening.
The prediction results of the artificial neural network model using the teat samples show that it could almost predict the happening of the financial distress completely.
He did nothing to change what was happening on court or to show any desire he wanted to win the game.
The labor market in the United States is starting to show signs of recovery, but for many young workers the recovery is not happening fast enough.
And it doesn't just have to be about gossip. You can fill someone in on what's been happening in the news, or in a class, or on a TV show.
The F/A took it to show her manager what was happening on the aircraft (757???) and why she was unhappy about it.
该空乘拿着这张照片给她的经理看飞机(757机型??? )上的一幕,表示她对此很不爽。
The concentration of hypoglycemia when happening, the symptom of psychosis, epilepsy , steamed bun test , B ultrasound and CT, all of them in the two groups show no significant differences.
Only in the past decade and a half, however, has it been possible to watch the living human brain in action in a way that begins to show in detail what happens while it is happening (see survey).
Only in the past decade and a half, however, has it been possible to watch the living human brain in action in a way that begins to show in detail what happens while it is happening (see survey).