The stress field analysis showed that the cleavages formed under horizontal, S-N trending compressive stress.
Their focal mechanism solutions show that the nearly E-W or WNW-ESE horizontal tensional stress controls the lithospheric stress field in the region.
A host of focal mechanism solutions show that there is a locally small regional stress field characterized by horizontal compresion component is dominant in the north of the basin.
Furthermore, the paper illustrates how to obtain topography influence depth on self-weight stress field of horizontal, homogeneous and isotropic strata.
The force source of current tectonic stress field comes mainly from the westward and northwestward horizontal extrusions from the Pacific and Philippine Plates respectively to the Eurasian Plate.
A series of compressional depressed valleys formed by active faults show that the neotectonic stress field in the area is controlled by horizontal compressional stress.
The regression output shows that the calculated stress match the measured data, also the gravity and horizontal tectonic stress are the main factors of the stress field in the project area.
A three-dimensional finite element model was constituted to simulate the yield process of the macro-horizontal jamb in the tectonic stress field caused by continuous mining.
A three-dimensional finite element model was constituted to simulate the yield process of the macro-horizontal jamb in the tectonic stress field caused by continuous mining.