The bottom line is, in his opinion, that it is impossible to keep a centralized view of how the enterprise works -at a cost that would justify the value of such a view.
Barring a legislative miracle, it looks next to impossible for him to push these bills to the finishing line.
They are younger than I am and know almost nothing about what is bearable and what isn't, about the evanescent line between simple mortification and an unendurable, impossible joke.
But we were different, and had had no opportunity of learning to determine the line between the possible and the impossible.
It may be impossible for the same worker to walk off an assembly line one day and join a physical therapy practice the next.
It's impossible that things will line up just the way we want them to and if you sit around waiting for that to happen life is going to simply pass you by.
Secrecy makes it impossible to know whether farms are really getting more efficient or whether the deals are done mainly to line politicians’ pockets.
Reason: it is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty.
Following the line of the bridge was easy enough, but accurately guessing the distance she had swum was impossible.
There are no minerals that can be caught within the line of sight of workers, hence scouting using mineral-click is impossible.
And the story line was impossible to follow!
In cases of severe server errors, which make it impossible to continue serving the client (this shouldn't normally happen), the server will close the connection after sending the error line.
In cases of severe server errors, which make it impossible to continue serving the client (this shouldn't normally happen), the server will close the connection after sending the error line.