The variety shows in Taiwan are featured in their lively atmosphere, humorous language and improvised performance, which vividly exhibit the interestingness of the variety show.
According to Arnold Bennett in "Literary Taste: How to Form it," "the makers of literature are those who have seen and felt the miraculous interestingness of the universe."
The feature that most people are probably familiar with is Interestingness. The feature is quite robust.
My work is an antithesis to our advancing technologies. These technologies hold no beauty for me. I believe in the fundamental uncontrollability of nature. Searching for "interestingness".
In graphic creation and design, there are principles of the art, which follow a law of beauty, including contrast, balance, interestingness, harmony, and unification.
I believe in the fundamental uncontrollability of nature. Searching for "interestingness".
Mining association rules is an important aspect of the study of data mining, and one of the important problems is the evaluation of interestingness of the discovered rules.
Mining association rules is an important aspect of the study of data mining, and one of the important problems is the evaluation of interestingness of the discovered rules.