Consider this from an internal perspective, and from the point of view of your customers and people in your market.
I want to show that the distinction between an internal and external point of view can be used in both dimensions of intra-and of intersubjectivity.
We cannot judge art products only from one point of view, but should also notice their materialistic aspect and the aspect of internal spiritual pursuit.
From the point of view of microeconomics, that is, economies of scale, the scope of the internal economy.
The theory of achievement researches the internal relation with motivation from the point of view of cognition.
Reasons for the internal vibration of steam turbine are discussed and analyzed from the point of view of design and manufacture. And also the article suggests method to avoid this internal vibration.
From their point of view it will lead to internal rearrangements toward a more egalitarian society in the United States.
The former is deserted and denied in reality by his family and becomes a mechanical record of the present event or of his own experience with the first person internal point of view;
Internal point of view, as a reflective critical attitude, not only explains the normative attitude to criticize the external point of view, but also keeps the descriptive character of legal theory.
Internal point of view, as a reflective critical attitude, not only explains the normative attitude to criticize the external point of view, but also keeps the descriptive character of legal theory.