The jury system promotes other important social goals.
Where the jury system is entrenched, it may not be common.
The concept of reasonable doubt is at the heart of the jury system.
This week on our program, we take a look at the jury system in the United States.
He says, 'The jury system is a very time-honored system. It's been around for 200 years.
The jury system has remained a subject of unfailing charm for Chinese and foreign legal research.
The promulgation of the decision has made the jury system in our trial practice further standardized.
The paper is divided into four parts: Part one, the origin and development of the jury system in the western countries.
The theory basis of exclusionary rule of hearsay evidence is the jury system and the disfigurement of hearsay evidence itself.
And surveys of American judges who preside over trials indicate their overwhelming and enthusiastic support for the jury system.
We stand up and the judge leaves, and Michael turns to me and says, "Bob, the jury system is much older than 200 years, isn't it?"
In the middle ages, the fundamental change of England litigation system is the foundation of the jury system in the royal circuit court.
Yet most Americans believe that a few mistakes are worth tolerating in order to obtain the overall fairness that the jury system promises.
In today's world, the jury system includes two forms: system of jury in Anglo - American law system and system of participating trail in Continental law system.
The jury system is composed of designated jury and application for jury, compared with the designated jury, application for jury can give full play to the function and role of the jury system.
We should not copy the jury system in common law, civil law countries can not reproduce the Senate trial system. because they do not meet our conditions, do not conform with our legal tradition.
For those like my client in this case, who have the courage to accept the extraordinary risks that a criminal jury trial entails, the system can and does work, and work well.
The jury is still out on whether the algorithm derived by Afek et al. accurately mirrors the biological system, but what matters from a computer science perspective is that it works.
The jury is still out on whether the algorithm derived by Afek et al. accurately mirrors the biological system, but what matters from a computer science perspective is that it works.