This thesis reviewed at first the existing research results of the law of similarity for river models carrying sediment.
An aeroelastic model for a UHV power transmission tower and its conductors was designed according to the law of similarity and tested in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel.
According to the law of similarity of fan, the characteristic of long-distance tunneling ventilation was analyzed, and the energy consumption of variable frequency fan was described.
The manifestations of the law at different scales exhibit approximate self-similarity. Newton called it 'Nature conformable to Herself.
Methods: By comparing HPLC maps of Semen Raphani samples prepared with different methods and computing similarity, (analysis) the change law of the components group.
The result also show that evolvement process of the phaseregion size has the self-similarity and the fractal dimension can be a good means to study the evolution law of phase dispersion dynamics.
The experimental study results of the failure pattern of soft clay side walls and slopes are reported based on the similar model principle and the established similarity law.
This paper analyses the geometrical analogue rules of explosively formed projectile (EFP) penetrating armours with the help of similarity theory, and establishes EFP penetrating armour simulation law.
According to the actual condition of high bench in open cut coal mines and similarity law, a similarity model of high bench casting blast experiment was built and similarity constant was deduced.
According to the actual condition of high bench in open cut coal mines and similarity law, a similarity model of high bench casting blast experiment was built and similarity constant was deduced.