Which words begin with the letter O?
Work on the different pronunciations of the letter o.
From where I stood, I could clearly see him write the letter n, followed by the letter o.
And you can use letter collections (as you might in a regular expression), for example, to list the files with a "c" or "o" extension, as shown in Listing 2.
One of my favorite writers, Flannery o 'connor, wrote in a letter to a friend: "from 15 to 18 is an age at which one is very sensitive to the SINS of others, as I know from recollections of myself."
The design of the letter "o" used in the title of her magazines, o, the Oprah magazine and o at Home, is trademarked.
A sign of its cultural hegemony is that it can be understandably referred to with the use of a single letter - o.
A little before six o 'clock in the morning he had arrived at M. Sur m., and his first care had been to post a letter to M. Laffitte, then to enter the infirmary and see Fantine.
Will you be able to finish the letter by six o 'clock?
The first mysterious Google doodle appeared on September 5, and showed a flying saucer hovering over the Google logo and "abducting" the letter "O".
The letter "O" is shaped like a circle.
In the language of Morse code, the letter "s" is three short dots and the letter "o" is three longer dashes.
"At four o 'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman," said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter.
Thee prank has not caused lasting damage to the sign, however, as parts of both "O" letters were covered by tarpaulins to make them look like a lower-case letter "E".
但是这一恶作剧并没有造成太久的损害,因为两个字母“o”只是被防水帆布遮了起来,从而使得它们看起来像小写的“e”。 。
She has been writing the letter since four o 'clock in the afternoon.
In order to progress with the aforementioned offer we will require your written acceptance prior to progressing to a formal Letter of Intent (L. O. I.)
On it was written: "please, please, burn this letter, and be at the gate by ten o 'clock."
The second line used slashed zero numerals to provide better contrast with the uppercase "o" letter.
The second line used slashed zero numerals to provide better contrast with the uppercase "o" letter.