Feel the little finger edge of your hand.
The ulnar dorsal branch of the little finger was absent.
The little finger represents everything about relationships.
Unwind and strike the wall with the little finger edge of your stiffened out right hand.
Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go down the stairs.
We may say that mouth is not finger so the middle finger and the little finger are not mouth.
The first leg is xiaomei, the second is a small tube, third is xiaoqi, the fourth is the little finger.
Irvine thrust between his lips the little finger of each hand and lent to her efforts a shrill whistling.
Swing to your left, striking the wall at the level of your neck with the little finger edge of your left hand.
We should not appraise the little finger by the standard of middle finger and deem the little finger is not finger.
Swing to your right, striking the wall at the level of your own neck with the little finger edge of your right hand.
In the ring finger nails and adjacent to the little finger side, available thumb fingertip massage here, daily 2 ~ 3 times.
在无名指指甲旁接近小指侧,可用拇指指尖按摩此处,每日2 ~3次。
Anatomically, it consists of the distal manual phalanx of the fifth digit or, in layman's parlance, the tip of the little finger.
The safest pressure points are the ones on the inner side of the write, just below the little finger, and also the one just below the ankle.
Objective: To repair skin defect of the little finger pulps using the reversed cutaneous neurovascular flap with the dorsal branch of ulnar nerve.
Bunny growing up, watching the little finger half since a long, often in a daze, remembered that gentle sweet sound, since a feeling of a dream like experience.
It is capable of providing applied anatomic basis by using the abductor muscle flap of the little finger transposition for abductor function of thumb restoration.
Ming-feng was sitting on a cane chair her elbows on the desk supporting her face in her hands the little finger of her right hand tucked in the corner of her mouth.
When the mother bird first secondary down several exquisitely carved, than the little finger was a little bird egg, I and the children eagerly waiting for the chicks hatch.
Underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger, rendering the little finger quite a bit littler that it really was.
Underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger, rendering the little finger quite a bit littler that it really was.