The well-heeled firms that have signed up to the living wage report a better standard of work.
The law firms, banks and accountants who have embraced the living wage can afford it, as they employ few low-paid workers.
This would not be a problem if the minimum wage was a living wage, but in many Chinese cities it is anything but.
In addition to nourishing ourselves, our planet and others around the world, we want to support fair policies that treat workers with respect and allow them to earn a living wage.
Pandora's team claims that this is a serious business, with the developers working full-time on the project and making a living wage.
The community organization Valley Interfaith has pushed for training opportunities and living-wage jobs.
Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living.
Piece rate production increases the risk with child Labour helping parents to make up quotas and to assure family survival when parents are not earning a living wage.
Larger, wealthy cities, with their higher wage rates and soaring costs of living, raise the value of people's time further still.
The worker is demanding to be paid a living wage.
The elite foresee their high paid salaries reduced so that the ranks of the workers can get a living wage.
All are keen on the "living wage", the hourly rate needed to pay for the items people reckon they need for an acceptable standard of living.
The basic premise was let's start not with how little we pay our hourly employees, and 90% of our employees are hourly, but what is a living wage?
But the national living wage is 20% higher, the London rate almost 40% higher.
The ILO considers, as you know that minimum wages are an important tool for social protection and that everyone should have access to decent minimum living wage.
In the course of the changing of estate structure, agricultural Labour's wage took on a trend of increasing, their working hour got shorter and their living accommodation was improved.
There were nine members in the family, living on father's wage of 45 yuan per month.
Once the typical European family relied on one salary, almost invariably the male one, but now most couples need two wage-packets to sustain their standard of living.
Once the typical European family relied on one salary, almost invariably the male one, but now most couples need two wage-packets to sustain their standard of living.