So, in order to protect the interest of minority shareholders, it is necessary to perfect the majority rule.
According to the reasons of the incomplete contract, default rules can generally be divided into two categories: the majority rules and the penalty default rule.
Many species are similar enough that hybrid offspring are possible and may often occur in nature, but for the majority of species, this rule generally holds.
That changed in 2008 when the conservative majority struck down a federal rule that had tripled the limit on campaign contributions for a candidate outspent by a rich, self-financed opponent.
而2008年,事情发生了变化。保守党的大多数打破了联邦规定- - -一个有钱的竞选者给一个候选人捐助了三倍于捐款上限的资金。
Patterns: in general, patterns are artifacts that have been used, tested, and successfully proven in the majority of recurring situations (80:20 rule).
The supermajority rule would be no bad thing if it forced the majority party to reach out to the other side.
South Africans went to the polls in the fourth general election since the beginning of black-majority rule in 1994.
The Senate is now in the process of using reconciliation — rule by simple majority — to try to pass health care.
On the surface, the principles of majority rule and the protection of individual and minority rights would seem contradictory.
Having defeated the white-majority rule of Rhodesia to create his black-majority state, Mugabe looked at first like another Mandela.
Today, 16 years after the advent of black-majority rule, English reigns supreme.
Since certain objects are being accessed via certain access methods and I/O operations, at least for the majority of all operations—the old rule is an 80-20 split.
由于某些对象是通过某些访问方法和I/O操作予以访问的,至少对大部分操作而言是这样 —原来的规则是 “二八开”。
The principle of majority leads to the rule of majority.
In fact the death tally has fallen sharply since black-majority rule in 1994 when 265 officers were killed, dropping to 178 in 2000 and 93 last year.
For the insufficiency of traditional information fusion algorithms used in handwriting verification, advanced majority rule information fusion algorithm is put forward.
The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
The rule reflects the fact that the majority of transferred credits involve a substitution of documents.
The majority of objects can solve a problem from its logic meaning, however they can't make use of the logic rule to proceed to reason logically.
In accordance with the capital majority rule, shareholders with majority stock are controlling shareholders.
Aiming at improving the classification performance, a combination model of multiple classifier systems is presented, which takes the Sum rule and majority voting as its special cases.
As an appraisal remedy for the dissenters, the appraisal right settles the conflict of Majority Rule and the interest of minority shareholders.
If citizens contract to govern themselves by majority rule, they thereby obligate themselves in just the manner that they would be obligated by any promise.
The vast majority of alpha dogs rule benevolently. They are confident in their position.
Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial panel shall observe the rule of majority.
According to the rule, the shareholders who holding the majority stakes become controlling shareholders.
Kidney biopsy is, as a rule, not required, in a majority of the cases.
Not rule by the majority?What else is there, one wants to ask.
Not rule by the majority?What else is there, one wants to ask.