From another perspective, price is the market demand and supply response.
The market demand and supply-demand trend of the product are analyzed and predicted.
Meanwhile, the market demand and supply relationship has also shifted from the seller's market to the consumer's market.
Meanwhile, the labor cost will be adjusted upward, and the energy and resource price will, to some extent, further reflects the market demand and supply relationship and environmental cost.
Viewing from current situation, there is a big gap between the market demand and supply. So, the product has good prospect for market sales based on the rich salt resource in the local area.
Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.
If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.
While high prices are denting demand, miners, oil companies and farmers are struggling to boost supply enough to resolve the tightness in the market.
IF THEY were just another product, the market would work its usual magic: supply would respond to high prices and rise to meet surging demand. But human kidneys are no ordinary commodity.
By making its own polysilicon and building its own power plants, it hopes to protect itself from the vagaries of supply in an immature market and also boost demand for its products.
Eventually, supply will rise to meet demand and the market will adjust.
In a free market the price of money is determined by supply and demand, just like the price of other goods.
But some analysts warn demand could fall with the expiration of the tax credit and supply could increase with more foreclosed homes hitting the market.
Meanwhile, wage will increase and energy price will further reflect demand and supply of the market and environmental costs.
Market fragmentation, both on the supply and the demand side is one.
Meanwhile, salary will increase and energy prices will gradually reflect demand and supply of the market and environmental costs.
The credit environment has changed from being demand-driven to supply-constrained, which means that market share is up for grabs and pricing power has increased markedly.
Thanks to the scale and nature of the housing and financial bust, the labour market has almost certainly become less efficient at matching the supply of jobseekers with the demand for workers.
Market forces are the main determinant of this, with the old supply and demand factors pulling and pushing from their respective corners, but the web adds a little twist.
The causes of a food crisis are complicated, including unbalanced supply and demand, as well as distorted international agricultural market and financial speculation.
When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.
Meanwhile, labor wages will be raised and energy resources price will further reflect the relation of market supply and demand as well as environment cost.
Meanwhile, labor wages will be adjusted upward, the prices of natural resources will further reflect the relation of market supply and demand and environment cost.
But nor is it beyond the wit of those in charge to consider water like oil or any other commodity, and to use market mechanisms to match supply and demand.
Changes in exchange rate are a result of multiple factors, including the balance of international payment and market supply and demand.
The labor wages will be adjusted upward contemporarily. The price of energy resources will further reflect the market supply and demand and also the environmental costs.
Meanwhile, the labor wages would be upward and the prices of energy and resources would further reflect the market supply and demand as well as environmental costs.
Nowadays the price of gold is set by the market rather than by official diktat. When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.
For demand and supply to balance — for the market to clear — the price of corn must rise.
For demand and supply to balance — for the market to clear — the price of corn must rise.