Every morning Tim often sees some groups of middle-aged women dance in the square.
One cosmetics firm pitches its wrinkle-removal cream to middle-aged women, in the hope that they will recommend it to their mothers.
Coined as 'reverse socialisation', many middle-aged women are becoming 'consumer dopplegangers ' striving to regain their youthful appearance as they buy into the same products as their offspring.
Ask a middle aged women for the time or a question.
The women began the study middle-aged (at an average of about 54 years) and were followed for 13 years.
A 15-year study found that middle-aged women who walked for at least an hour a day maintained their weight over the decades.
When I cal- led for the first time at a house in Leinster Road sev- eral middle-aged women were playing cards and suggested my taking a hand and gave me a glass of sherry.
The overall suicide rate rose 0.7% during this time, but the rate for white men aged 40 to 64 rose 2.7% and for middle-aged women 3.9% , the team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found.
Those saddled with the heaviest burdens — especially middle-aged women with children — move slowly off the list, while the young and the elderly tend to have more luck.
One or two servings of good-quality chocolate a week reduced the risk of middle-aged and elderly women developing the condition by almost a third, a study found.
Her uncle, Lingaraj Majhi, says 12 people have died from TB in the village in the last year, including a nine-year-old girl and two middle-aged women.
Cacioppo and his team focused on the children of the original Framingham cohort, which included more than 5, 200 middle-aged men and women.
The researchers studied almost 1.3 million middle-aged women who attended breast cancer screening clinics in Britain and were tracked for an average of seven years.
Most of the nursing workers are married middle-aged women who have migrated from rural areas.
A study involving middle-aged women showed that taking ginger had a direct effect on the brain and improved their reaction time and memory.
The study gathered data from 360 middle-aged African American, Caucasian, and Chinese women drawn from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation, with a mean age of 51 years.
Though mostly women, the ages of those in line ranged from those in elementary school to middle-aged mothers.
The car is full of baskets, there is the smell of vegetables, the taste of chili, I had a sweep, all local villagers, most of them are middle-aged and older women.
According to the recent studies carried out by Harvard researchers, middle-aged women who drink beer in moderation were much less prone to development of high blood pressure.
The results show that most of middle-aged and old women participate in various keeping-fit activity in various degree, most of them choose the park near their houses.
Study on the correlations between serum estrogen level and heart function of coronary heart disease and the evaluation of exercise test in the middle and aged women.
At this time, a middle-aged man came to the middle-aged women, the elevator is a dangerous job, don't let the child to operation.
Meanwhile, building up the social mental support system is also one of the necessary factors in keeping the mental health of the middle-aged intellectual women.
This wine is more suitable for drinking in hutong. The middle-aged man who orders this wine in advanced hotel just wants to commemorate the young past when he was poor but could slept with women.
This leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture, which disfigures and debilitates millions of middle aged and elderly people around the world, most of them women.
The topic is a study in health education and health promotion areas, researching for the Taiyuan City 45 ~ 59-years old middle-aged women.
本课题属健康教育与健康促进研究范畴,研究对象为太原市城区45 -59岁中年妇女。
This paper aims to prove the impact of Aerobics on the middle and aged women, based on document, experiment, observation and data analysis.
Whenever I've walked with Ms. Hahn or other Korean women, most of the time I felt hostilities, especially from middle-aged men.
AIM: to explore the influences of keep-fit running and point massage on the body configuration and function of urban middle-aged women, so as to improve their body configuration and health level.
The new skin balm was welcome by middle - aged women.