He was the first Chinese thinker in modern times to open his mind to the outside world.
Ichikawafusae was a well-known modern woman liberation thinker and leader who was engaged in woman liberation in Japan both before and after the war.
Hugo grotius (1583-1645), a great Dutch jurist and thinker, was not only one of the fathers of modern international law, but also the author of an influential natural law philosophy.
荷兰伟大的法学家和思想家雨果格老秀斯(1583- 1645)不仅是现代国际法的鼻祖之一,而且也是一种颇有影响的自然法哲学的创始人。
Natsume (1867-1916) is an outstanding Japane se writer, thinker and the father of critical realism in Japanese modern literature.
夏目漱石(1867- 1916)是日本文学史上杰出的文学家、思想家,日本近代文学批判现实主义文学的奠基人。
Tang Peng, an outstanding thinker and reformer, was one of the chief members of the landlord - class reforming group in Chinese modern times.
Yan Fu is the first thinker in modern Chinese intellectual history to give theoretical interpretation of the modern idea of the state.
Dewey is a modern American thinker and pragmatic philosopher. Dewey has a far-reaching impact on the United States and the world of education.
He did remarkable contribution in the industry and education, and he can be rated as a forerunner of tourism development, even a tourism thinker in the modern times of China.
In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.
Modern education is the United States to send a well-known thinker and educator John Dewey's pragmatism in educational theory as represented by schools of education.
The French thinker Jean Baudrillard investigates the contemporary world from the perspective of the social theory of the post-modern consuming society and comes up with new problems.
Liang Shuming is an important thinker and social activist in modern times. His thought and activity is one of the most powerful notes in that time.
John Stuart Mill is a 19th century British writer and thinker with great influence upon his age as well as upon the modern society.
John Stuart Mill is a 19th century British writer and thinker with great influence upon his age as well as upon the modern society.