A growth lull may be just what most emerging markets need, but it is the last thing that any advanced economy wants at the moment.
Similar dilemmas confront most advanced societies. Even Germany's government debt as a share of the economy is large (73 percent in 2009).
But in the U. S., the world's most advanced economy, something much more remarkable seems to be happening.
But in the U. s., the world's most advanced economy, something much more remarkable seems to be happening. American parents are beginning to choose to have girls over boys.
It's the most advanced heavy-duty engine oil yet developed by Shell and provides high protection even at the low-viscosity levels required for optimal fuel economy.
One of most important characteristics of knowledge economy lies in the rapid industrialization of advanced technology.
Equipped with advanced facilities, Yanghai has linked itself to the whole world. Shanghai is now the most vigorous economy and navigation centre in the world.
Equipped with advanced facilities, Yanghai has linked itself to the whole world. Shanghai is now the most vigorous economy and navigation centre in the world.