Sharing economy will innovate the way traditional industry works as the new type of economy will gradually transform the former one.
The new type of stereo varies from the old one.
Click OK to set the new type, as shown in Figure 16.
The new type of computer will be on show next month.
They will soon put the new type of car through safety trial.
The new type of car features high speed, small size and low cost.
Define the lexical space, value space, and lexical mapping of the new type.
A blank cell: the element to the left is picked up by the new type unchanged.
On a related note, the new type-aliasing rules are fully supported in GCC.
根据相关的注解,新的类型别名(type - aliasing)规则已经在gcc中得到了完全的支持。
The new type of bicycle designed by our engineer is very ingenious and practical.
One is to energetically promote the new type of rural cooperative medical care system.
We will consolidate and improve the new type of rural cooperative medical care system.
Ship the 6.0 type library from Windows 7 RTM via the new type library file msado60.tlb.
通过新的类型库文件msado60 . tlb为Windows7RTM发布6.0类型库。
The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.
Wrap one of the comparands in number , Boolean , string , or one of the new type-constructor functions.
将一个操作数包装到number 、boolean 、string或者其他新增的类型构造器函数中。
Next up is the new type Concurrent Bag is like a collection of queues that are load-balanced across threads.
CONCLUSION: the new type antidepressants have become the first choice of treating depression in hospitals of Zigong.
Bifurcated tunnel is one of the new type tunnels, the excavation way and support style are key factors to the rock stability.
In other words, if the set of possible values of the new type is a superset of that of the old type, then you have expanded the type.
An old service returning a type to a client would restrict its value space to the old type, which will continue to work within the value space of the new type.
It belongs to the new type of financial animal called crypto currencies, i. e. decentralized, secure money storage and money transfer enabled by the Internet.
After the abolishment of imperial civil examination in the late Qing Dynasty, the common people were not able to understand and accept the new type of education.
The new topic types are defined as an extension, or delta, relative to an existing topic type, thereby reducing the work necessary to define and maintain the new type.
The design thought, technical parameters, car performance and measurement equipment of the new type comprehensive testing car on electrical railway are described.
The results of simulation show the new type of PID controller is better than the conventional type and it can be used on other no-linear complex mechanical systems.
The new type of all-welded plate & shell heat exchanger combining the advantages of plate, shell & pipe heat exchanger has been applied in industry and shipbuilding.
Basically, when db4o sees the field of the new type, it creates a new field on disk with the same name but a new type, just as if it were any other new field added to the class.
Basically, when db4o sees the field of the new type, it creates a new field on disk with the same name but a new type, just as if it were any other new field added to the class.