A number of people have been employed to deal with the backlog of work.
The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.
The payroll survey also doesn't capture the number of self-employed, and so says little about how many people are generating an independent income.
Of those, the number of UK-born people employed rose by 41, 000 (a 0.2% rise) and while those born outside the UK went up by 145, 000 (a 3.9% rise).
These showed the number of people employed in the public sector dropping by 33,000 between the summer and the autumn.
These showed the number of people employed in the public sector dropping by 33, 000 between the summer and the autumn.
There are only 1m small firms, less than half the number in Germany; and some 500, 000 of these are really just self-employed people.
Since 1980, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people employed in finance, broadly defined, has shot up from roughly five million to more than seven and a half million.
In fact, the total number of people employed in industry remained quite stable from the late 1960s through about 2000, at roughly 17 million to 19 million.
In the ten years to 2003 the number of travel agencies that employed more than 100 people grew by 60%, from 109 to 174, and the number of tiny ones fell by a third, from 18,186 to 12,865.
In the ten years to 2003 the number of travel agencies that employed more than 100 people grew by 60%, from 109 to 174, and the number of tiny ones fell by a third, from 18, 186 to 12, 865.
The number of people who were employed by temporary agencies rose by 33,700, or 2%, the third monthly gain.
At the end of 2008, the total number of employed people in China was 774.80 million, 4.90 million more than that of 2007.
Take a look at this chart, which shows the number of people employed in the broad category of 'editors'.
While there hasn't been an huge surge in the number of people self-employed (about 10 million), some people are doing a lot of contract work on the side in addition to their salaried work.
While there hasn't been an huge surge in the number of people self-employed (about 10 million), some people are doing a lot of contract work on the side in addition to their salaried work.