But I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week.
Michael Jackson's moonwalk is created outside the O2 Arena in London.
Michael Jackson is expected to announce a series of summer comeback concerts at the O2 arena in London.
They show Jackson on stage at the Staples Centre, in Los Angeles, where he was preparing for his sell-out concerts at the O2 Arena in London this summer.
剧照上,杰克逊站在洛杉矶的斯戴普斯中心(The Staples Center)的舞台上,为他将于今年夏天在伦敦O2 Arena剧场的演唱会紧张排练着,演唱会的门票早已销售一空。
Next week, at the O2 Arena in London, they will both play in the ATP World tour Finals - when the top eight men gather for one last lucrative tournament before their brief winter break.
下个星期,他们都将出现在AT P世界巡回赛总决赛的伦敦O2竞技场。这是世界排名前8的选手在冬歇期前,对今年最后一个利润丰厚的比赛的角逐。
And she added that she had "no friends" in the music industry and even claimed to be shunned by other stars, despite many turning up to watch her recent performances at the O2 Arena in London.
她补充说,她已经“在音乐产业没有朋友”,除了在伦敦的O2 Arena看她最近的表现,她甚至声称自己被其他明星避开。
And she added that she had 'no friends' in the music industry and even claimed to be shunned by other stars, despite many turning up to watch her recent performances at the O2 Arena in London.
她补充说,她已经“在音乐产业没有朋友”,除了在伦敦的O2 Arena看她最近的表现,她甚至声称自己被其他明星避开。
Jackson died on June 25 2009, at a rented Los Angeles mansion where Murray had been treating him for chronic insomnia during rehearsals for a series of 50 comeback concerts at the O2 Arena in London.
Michael Jackson's 50-night run at London's O2 arena was to have set a new course for the entertainer.
The 50-year-old revealed his plans on a makeshift stage at the 20,000-capacity O2 Arena where he will play 10 dates starting on July 8.
已经50岁的他表示,这次演出将在7月8日举办,共10场,场地临时定为能容纳2万人的O2 Arena。
A spokesman for Bieber says the 19-year-old pop star was given oxygen and took a 20-minute break backstage at London's O2 Arena.
The proposed competition would take place at New York's MadisonSquare Gardens or London's O2 Arena, with each singer performing a series of songs.
The proposed competition would take place at New York's MadisonSquare Gardens or London's O2 Arena, with each singer performing a series of songs.