I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.
Weaver offspring like the offspring of the emperor, also can create the miracle.
Once weaned, the offspring of junk-food-fed mothers prefer junk foods more than the offspring of rats fed a healthy diet during pregnancy.
Second, the Cardinal Relationship between parents and offspring is a relationship of mutual help: the parents help the offspring survive, grow up, and receive teaching.
All the offspring of stressed mothers showed reduced social contact compared with that of the control mothers' offspring: these rats spent less time with one another and interacted less.
If two serfs of different lords married, the male offspring reverted to the father's Lord, while the female offspring went to the mother's.
If two serfs of different lords married, the male offspring reverted to the father's Lord, while the female offspring went to the mother's.