This paper is concerned with the problem of the optimal output feedback under the LQ index.
In this paper, the optimal output-tracking problem of dynamic input-output system is discussed.
The paper presents a sufficient condition for the existence of the optimal output feedback solution of the LQ problem.
According to the theory of PWM and in order tom eet the IEEE- 5 19recomm endation standard, the optimal output waveform of high- voltage converter is discussed in detail.
阐述了高压变频器的PWM输出原理,讨论了在满足IEEE—5 1 9文本的前提下得到最优波形输出的方法。
When the ratio of minority carriers'diffusion length to the substrate thickness is about 2.5 to 3, the crystalline silicon cells with an Al-BSF can gain the optimal output performance.
The optimal output tracking(OOT) problem for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems is considered where the reference input and the external disturbance are described by the exosystems.
The optimal output distribution, the optimal output structure and the optimal and the optimal step structure can derive from this optimal outcome by statistic according to different criterions.
The default templates and the default configurations for each publishing service are designed to produce optimal output for that publishing service.
The N42 neodymium magnets provide the optimal balance of durability and magnet strength (current output).
The design of stochastic optimal controllers of networked control systems with output feedback is also presented.
The effects of DBR reflectivity and well Numbers on threshold current and output power of bottom-emitting VCSELs were analyzed to design an optimal device structure.
The optimal efficiency, output power and entropy production at the maximum of an ecological function are obtained, and are compared with those results at the condition of maximum output power.
The relation between the input of FNN, such as disturbance, system state parameters, and output of FNN, optimal rescheduling strategy, is built by FNN.
An optimum model of discrete input-output is established in this paper. The method of solving the model and the optimal controls of state feedback are given.
The relation between optimal efficiency and power output of a Carnot heat engine which operates subject to irreversible heat transfer is derived.
The relation between the optimal efficiency and power output of the engines for an ideal or van der Waals gas as a working fluid is derived.
This kind of unsupervised clustering method can search for the optimal number of output nodes automatically to get the number of textures in the 'image, and finish the automatic segmentation.
The optimal feedback gain matrix can be obtained by solving a static output feedback controller problem.
The Chambers of the heart fill to an optimal level and cardiac output increases.
After discussing how the input offset current influences the output of operational amplifier, the optimal relationship between peripheral impedance is obtained.
The state of the dynamic system is determined by measuring the dynamic strains of the output points at the flexible links, and the real time optimal feedback control in operated.
This approach is suitable for the optimal and robust design of an output feedback control system, so that the approach proposed by reference becomes its special case.
The method of optimal dimension synthesis for path generation with prescribed timing by using harmonic characteristic parameters of the planar linkage's output properties is developed in this paper.
Accordingly, the principle of output feedback is used to design an optimal control law for the system in terms of a reasonable performance index.
Mathematical algorithm in nerval network can change the input and output of a sample into nonlinear optimal algorithm.
In this paper, the problems of the model reduction and the design of optimal output feedback matrix are discussed for linear stochastic discrete-time system.
By introducing a sensitivity parameter, the original optimal output tracking control problem is transformed into a series of two-point boundary value problems without time-advance or time-delay terms.
The law of the variable mass flow in the horizontal wellbore is useful for the horizontal well output prediction, and optimal design and dynamic analysis on oil well production system.
In this paper we established the optimal control model on dynamic input-output with a terminal output-constraint. We get a feedback form of the optimal controls.
The paper also estimate the optimal monetary index by estimating related effects of interest rate and exchange rate on output gap and weight of real interest rate and exchange rate.