The optimum moisture content is affected by cement content and EPS beads content.
In the paper, through the compaction test, the optimum moisture content and maximal dry density of aeolian sand are determined.
In general, hardened fly ashes compacted at the optimum moisture content are with higher hexavalent chromium leachability than hardened fly ash slurry.
Using the regress analysis method and the numerical analysis method to obtain the extremum of the compaction test, we may accurately extract the biggest dry density and the optimum moisture content.
Today, engineers agree that proper embankment construction requires that the soil be spread in layers, moistured or dried to something near an optimum moisture content, and compacted.
A method is described for the determination of water content in pectin by the quick moisture apparatus, and the optimum conditions are found as follows: sample mass 1.
The optimum harvesting period and fresh-maintaining technique of sweet corn in post-harvesting period have been probed by analyzing the moisture and sugar content in fresh ears of sweet corn.
The optimum soil moisture content index about tomato seedling bed irrigation was conducted out in early spring.
The optimum soil moisture content index about tomato seedling bed irrigation was conducted out in early spring.