Through practice production, the optimum process condition is given, which can efficiently remove impurity on fiber and increase whiteness and content of cellulose.
Results Under the optimum process condition of flocculation impurity removal, gardenoside contents in the flocculation group is higher than those in 50% , 75% alcohol groups.
Factors influencing the particle size of Glauber's salt is analyzed and the optimum process control condition is proposed.
The transmitting and reflecting optical microscopy has been used in the electrolytic polishing process for monitoring the polished specimen to obtain the optimum polishing condition.
The reasonable rolling schedule is an important guarantee to make the rolling process achieve the optimum condition.
The optimum condition for synthesizing the two type foaming agent was established based on the analysis of the factors which determine the synthesis process, foaming ability and the foam stability.
The adaptive cut can make cut process at optimum condition all along, in case the machining conditions are constantly changing.
Experimental results showed that applying selective flotation process and optimum reagent condition can efficiently separate the lead-zinc minerals and obtain lead concentrate of 63.
The condition for production technology of fermented strawberry milk is studied and the optimum ratio and technological process are determined through the experiment.
The optimum condition for static treatment is determined by single factor process.
Applying the crystallizing process under low temperature and selecting the optimum technology condition, the paper successively abstracted unsaturated fatty acid with real recovery.
Applying the crystallizing process under low temperature and selecting the optimum technology condition, the paper successively abstracted unsaturated fatty acid with real recovery.