The oxygen reduction reaction that takes place at the fuel cell's cathode creates water as its only waste and it is there that up to 40 percent of a fuel cell's efficiency is lost.
Generally, the oxygen reduction and evolution is a two-electron chemical reaction.
The cathode catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction is one of the most important factors that can affect the performance of fuel cell.
The general substance and oxygen oxidation, the individual may absorb heat, such as the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen. Anodic oxidation and cathodic reduction in electrochemical process.
The results show that: increasing temperature will lead to more methanol to permeate to the cathode, and increase the charge transfer resistance of cathodic oxygen reduction reaction;
The origination potential of oxygen reduction reaction being more positive, larger electrolyte concentration and higher temperature could promote the reaction.
The origination potential of oxygen reduction reaction being more positive, larger electrolyte concentration and higher temperature could promote the reaction.