The main task of a metering system is to get information reliably into and out of meters-for example, how much power is being used, when and at what price.
This article proposed shunt current electric larceny fault detection model for electric energy meter 'current coil of the high voltage power metering system.
It is applied in relay protection, system metering and analysis of power system. It has a close relation with the security and reliability of power system.
This paper makes a research on the anti current shunt electric larceny technology for electronic electric energy meter of high-voltage power metering system.
The electric energy data tele-metering system is an important constituent in power system automation and the implementation of power line carrier communication is a key component.
This paper introduces the electric parameter metering system based on digital signal processor (DSP) and a digital signal processing algorithm for the harmonic power measurement.
Real-time tele-metering data system is the basis of power network analysis.
In power system, it can excite partial parallel resonance or serial resonance, enlarge the harmonic wave, trigger relay protection system in error and disturb electric power energy metering equipment.
On the premise of taking power line as the communication media, an application of smart home system is explored, that is, the automatic metering system in the community.
A network fault model for the high voltage electric power metering system is proposed in this paper.
And if you live in a community with net metering, you can actually spin your meter backwards as the utility company pays you for any excess electricity produced by the solar power system.
The results show that the frequency and phase position of frequency converter output power are out of phase with that of supply power, which is the main reason leading to metering system breakdown.
On this basis the existing problems of the real-time data tele-metering system used in East China Power Grid are analyzed.
To accomplish this action, the carburetor has some type of power system used to supplement the main-metering system.
To accomplish this action, the carburetor has some type of power system used to supplement the main-metering system.