She was wearing an outfit she'd bought the previous day.
I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. I'd only seen him the previous day.
Suddenly Heidi remembered all the happenings of the previous day.
Each day a file is created with the data corresponding to the previous day.
The group had taken a trip aboard the train from Pretoria to Cape Town the previous day.
The previous day, Muhannad had showed up in Brega and spent the afternoon at the clinic.
Each day the team review the work done the previous day and "ruthlessly shred" each frame.
As on the previous day, my father was out. But, before going, he had left me this letter.
European stocks gained more than 2 percent, having hit a two-year low in the previous day.
It's Python code that sends an E-mail containing feed entries from the previous day.
它是Python代码,该代码发送包含前一天del . icio . us提要条目的电子邮件。
The leading Nikkei index ended the day 10.55% lower. It had already fallen by 7% on the previous day.
Participants also answered questions about positive or negative emotions experienced the previous day.
But Linda Stone, Roger's wife, had spent the previous day in Austin and didn't know anything was wrong.
The previous day, the newspaper's front page had featured a photograph of a mother moose with her baby.
It was a less worrying distraction than the previous day when a bird of prey starting circling around me.
The parents wowed at their blazer-clad children's singing: they had been coached to perform the song the previous day.
Some people actually showed up outside the stores at 3 pm the previous day, to make sure they are among the chosen few.
That the ruffles of the robes were rotting from overuse never mattered. They were only rinsed once from the previous day.
长袍的褶裥饰边由于使用太久而有些破烂 ,但这没有关系,它们只是在前一天用过之后才 漂洗一次。
If activated, an ITUAM-consumable CSR file is automatically generated once a day with metering data from the previous day.
I would stay overnight in youth hostels and every day I would start my walk exactly where I had left off the previous day.
The national average price for a gallon of regular gas rose to an all-time high of $4.107, up from $4.103 the previous day.
The Joint communique on the Cooperation in the Youths released by China and France the previous day was of great significance.
Saturday morning dawns and, in spite of the grim events of the previous day, we are all excited by the prospect of a dawn trip on the river.
Rosneft's share price jumped 8% after the announcement. (It also jumped 8% the previous day in the local market, suggesting insider dealing.)
The previous day Thierry Gaubert, another businessman and former colleague of Mr Sarkozy, had been charged in connection with the investigation.
I had a very good memory for figures. I could remember in detail how the prices had acted on the previous day, just before they went up or down.
Compared to the image acquired the previous day, Alex appears tighter, with fewer areas of clear sky or thin clouds within the body of the storm.
I had a very good memory for figures. I could remember indetail how the prices had acted on the previous day, just before they went upor down.
One pup was allowed to eat as much as it wanted, while its partner received 25% less than the amount the first pup had consumed on the previous day.
We established that: yes, he knew what a bisiklet was; and, yes, he knew that I had one because he had seen me cycling into town the previous day.