The ZXL2 workstation is a low profile, rack mountable system with high-performance computing and graphics processing capabilities.
To increase the rack density, IBM created a new modular water cooling and distribution system.
The organization has also developed an online tracking system that traces organic cotton’s journey through the entire supply chain, from the field to the store rack.
Talbot also spearheaded a new accessibility design standard for future MBTA rail vehicles, meaning the system will tell manufacturers what to put in the car, rather than "buying them off the rack."
Narrow roadway rack is a kind of storage shelves, the shelves for forklift transport channel system compared with relatively narrow, narrow roadway or narrow channel shelf named.
Keep sensitive instruments away from hot locations (such as the top of a rack) and allow the complete system to achieve thermal stability before making measurements.
The system can automatically measure Riss hardness of steering gear rack, and then transform it into corresponding Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers hardness.
The EPS system consists of EPS, the road surface condition, the steering gear rack, the steering operation.
The follow-up unit is the essential structure of the rack section of modal analysis test suspension system, its rigidity and intensity directly influence overall performance of system.
The straightness error mathematics model has been built, then the measuring and controlling system of redirector rack automatic straightening machine has been developed.
The identification buttons on the front and back panels can be used to locate a particular system within a rack.
The new unit uses the pitman reserse mechanism instead of the crosshead slide reverse rack, adopts weight balancing instead of air balancing, and is provided with an improved guiding system.
The rack Installation Guide or rack Installation Instructions included with your rack solution describes how to install your system into a rack.
Based on the controlling of STC89C58 MCU, the moving control system of horizontal mobile rack was introduced.
介绍了采用STC 89c58单片机设计水平移动货架运动控制系统。
The MCP shall be a NEMA 12 (for North American applications) or IP-54 enclosure adequately sized for all of the relays, PLC rack, HMI, etc. required for the operation of the clean room system.
MCP应符合NEMA12日(北美应用)或IP - 54的外壳充分继电器的大小,人机界面,PLC机架等所需的洁净室系统的运作。
Beam and their adjustable heights with screws even bearings form solid bottom rack in supporting system, floor beams surrounded the panes.
This paper undertakes research on the realization of three-dimensional parameterized CAD system of complicated grinding-wheel-rack parts.
The system can be expanded to 16 terabytes of storage requiring only 3u of rack space.
The display with LED video louver window mode consists of computer system, frame controller, receiving board, scanning board, LED displaying unit, supporting rack, power source and lines;
The counter-force apparatus system which provides the counter force for the model is consists of model counter-force rack, flange plates and counter-force transferring plates.
This paper introduces a kind of Intelligent mobile rack, which is used in the area of archives storage. The software and hardware design and implementation of the control system are discussed.
In which the rolling moment system adopts gear-rack swing hydraulic-pressure oil VAT with torque sensor, the moment of inertia, damp and comeback can be adjusted.
What is the max. load for this rack system ? 100lbs.
The Nose Wheel Steering system is a rack and pinion mechanism utilizing a single actuating cylinder supplied by the Green system.
Assuming the use in experimental fields and in combination with system components, the unit has a case size which complies with the rack specifications of EIA and JIS.
The electric control system which is used in the reagent rack also can be connected to the wall socket.
The system consists mainly of transmission components, materials unit automatic film parts, industrial computer systems, sensing detection system and the rack components and so on.
The equipment is mainly composed of the following components: feeding system, sieve, machine rack, driving system, discharging device and vertical suction duct (optional).
The equipment is mainly composed of the following components: feeding system, sieve, machine rack, driving system, discharging device and vertical suction duct (optional).