So protecting plant resources and rescuing the rare and endangered plants have become attention hotspot for international society.
This paper discussed the present status and insitu conservation of the rare and endangered plants in Hubei Province, as well as some protective Suggestions.
These showed that human activities were the main factor threatening the survival of plants, and preserving forests were the effective approach to save the rare and endangered plants in the valley.
However, many rare and endangered plants are on the verge of extinction due to serious eec-environmental damage caused by impact of nature and human factors in recent years.
According to standard of minimum viable population, the ex-situ conservation of 73 rare and endangered plants are effective.
Of which 39 rare and endangered medicinal plants accounted for 63.93% of the endangered medicinal plants in Changbai Mountain.
Rare and endangered plants like the white-fringed orchid and a pale vetchling suddenly sprouted on their own.
The medical plant resource of Shaoguan is very rich. There are 893 species of medical plants belonging to 158 families, in which 21 species are rare and endangered plants.
The administration on rare and endangered aquatic wild animals and plants and their fingerlings shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
This article researched on the recent situation and value of the 44 kinds of rare and endangered plants in Shaanxi province and put out several proposals on protecting these plants.
As an important strategy for species conservation and population restoration, reintroduction is increasingly applied to the conservation of rare and endangered plants.
The low temperature and frost are key factors of the survival of tropical rare and endangered plants in Guangxi. Therefore, more attentions must be paid for cold preventing and the …
The low temperature and frost are key factors of the survival of tropical rare and endangered plants in Guangxi. Therefore, more attentions must be paid for cold preventing and the …