This is the real estate price within one month to do the second adjusted.
Someone said that the real estate price in Pudong is so high because of these outside speculators.
The real estate price is much concerned as its relationship with people's living condition in our country.
So China will increase the interest rate, put more controls on bank lending, and hammer the real estate price.
Abstract: the real estate price elasticity and gradient mechanism are the major components of the real estate price mechanism.
The unbalanced high of vacancy rate will cause serious waste to social resource, excessively low will cause quickly rise on the real estate price.
Within the elements that affect the real estate price, the money supply M2 and per capita disposable income in urban residents have been quantified.
But simultaneously also has caused the house price fast rise, the real estate price question becomes social the hot topic, the argument is unceasing.
But clarifying the real estate price factors and taking effective measures to stabilize real estate prices in reasonable range are worth study and research in-depth.
The real estate price index is a good tool to study the real estate price. However, our country does not have a recognizable and accurate real estate price index up to now.
And it turns out that not only the traditional factor such as income, consume and emigration can influence the real estate price, but also the spatial geography factor does.
In recent years, China has continuously increased the price of real estate trend, while the real estate price changes throughout the gross imbalance, showing significant regional differences.
But in recent years, the real estate price rose rapidly. In some cities, the real estate price went up sharply. Its rate far exceeded the consumption level and affordability of the residents.
Empirical analysis in China shows that the real estate price has a strong correlation with housing price and currency supplies. This paper concludes that controlling credit scale is one of th...
In the national market, we collect and collate the real estate price index of our country. After pass an examination we set up an ARMA model to predict the future trend of the real estate price index.
According to the statistics from the housing/real estate authority, last year the housing price of China averaged 2,226yuan per square meter, which was a 6 percent up over the year before.
In Beijing, the average price of a typical apartment reached 23, 730 yuan a square meter at the end of August, according to statistics from the Beijing Real Estate Transaction Management Network.
The price of real estate stock has bitten into future earnings despite high industry growth.
Real estate agents value homes based on the asking price.
Compensation for the value of the house can be no less than the market price of similar real estate.
Despite some signs of cooling in China's revved-up real estate market, big businesses are still willing to make big bets on the price of land.
Compared with the price increase in real estate, the profits of rental housing appears to be negligible.
But the company's executives made out brilliantly, cashing stock options amassed during the real estate boom, when Countrywide's share price soared along with its loan volume.
但是,这家公司高管们的日子却过得相当滋润,他们将其在房地产繁荣期间(当时Country wide公司的股价和它的贷款数量一道疯长)积聚的股票期权一一变现。
Singapore has surpassed China to lead the world in home-price appreciation in the 2nd quarter, according to a report by UK real estate consultant Knight Frank LLP.
Singapore has surpassed China to lead the world in home-price appreciation in the 2nd quarter, according to a report by UK real estate consultant Knight Frank LLP.