The league table ranking the 20 top countries on the number of contacts with a man initiated per month by the average woman put Poland second, followed by the Dominican Republic, Italy and Argentina.
The disruption of supplies also spread to Italy, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech republic, Hungary and Slovenia as well as Poland.
Its new missile-defence scheme, when deployed, should be bigger and better than the now-cancelled programme of ground-based interceptors in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic.
In Northern Ireland last year there were 12 reported instances, involving 20 children taken to the Republic of Ireland, the USA, Israel, Germany, Finland, Poland and France.
But with the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Vietnam, and, again, Mexico emerging as significant markets and places of production, is BRIC crumbling?
Primakov was insisting that Moscow could not accept a NATO committed to the defense of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic — the very states forced into the Soviet empire 50 years ago.
Just behind came Poland, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Argentina - with Latin countries, speaking either Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese, holding eight of the top 10 places.
European champions Spain will face the Czech Republic, Scotland, Lithuania and Liechtenstein of Group I in the qualifying competition for the Euro 2012 championship at Sunday's draw in Poland.
The 10 new Member States of the European Union are: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The main cities in Serbia and Montenegro, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Turkey all saw a relative increase of more than 5 percent in the cost of living.
The main cities in Serbia and Montenegro, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Turkey all saw a relative increase of more than 5 percent in the cost of living.