For one thing, that would be a result of the Curse, not creation.
One thing that is worth noting: when you return a string of XML as your result set, you should surround the variables in your return string within curly braces.
One very handy thing to know is how to create an environment variable that contains the result of an executable command. This is very easy to do.
Big losses are one thing which destroys most investor's performance, and these are almost always a direct result of the investor failing to plan, before entering a trade, how he will exit it.
There is such a thing as bad ideas, making a list of every idea that comes into your head won't result in finding the best one, and most brainstorming sessions just don't work.
Want to in a hurry to complete one thing in order to achieve the purpose of speed, the result is always failed.
Want to in a hurry to complete one thing in order to achieve the purpose of speed, the result is always failed.