The Rosetta Stone was remarkable because, as I said, on it was the same text in three different alphabets: Greek, demotic and hieroglyphic.
The Rosetta Stone is arguably the most famous archaeological artefact ever discovered.
We didn't even know at first that the three texts on the Rosetta Stone contain the same information.
Thomas young, an English scholar, was the first to seriously attempt to decipher the symbols on the Rosetta Stone.
The crushing of the cathedral was, after all, no more than a distraction, a dastardly plot to get at the Rosetta Stone.
Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution."
We have made progress and have unearthed something resembling the Rosetta stone of prime Numbers - but the ability to decode the stone still eludes us.
And he appealed to other world museums to return Egypt's antiquities, particularly the Rosetta Stone in the British museum and the bust of Nefertiti in the Berlin museum.
Interestingly, until the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1798, and later translated, most scholars believed that the hieroglyphs were illustrations, not phonetic sounds making up an alphabet.
Pricing for the Active Courses looks reasonable compared to Rosetta Stone, which starts at $249.99: They’re $19.95 a month or $149.95 a year.
相比于Rosetta Stone,激活课程的收费相对合理,金额最低价为249.99美元:每个月合计为19.95美元,一年合计为149.95美元。
With no Rosetta Stone to act as a key for translation, the best we can do is guess at their purpose.
She was the "eighth wonder of the world", "our Mona Lisa" and an evolutionary "Rosetta Stone", according to the researchers who unveiled her.
China's average housing prices have topped the world when compared to average incomes, Xie Guozhong, board member of Rosetta Stone Advisors said.
It's a social approach to learning a language, and one that's cheaper than pricey software like Rosetta Stone - basic courses are free, and utilizing the community costs only a small monthly fee.
用LiveMocha来学习是你学一门语言的社交方式,而且它比Rosetta Stone软件要便宜得多——在LiveMocha上,基本课程都是免费的,而使用社区的话,每月也只需要你支付一点点费用。
According to a survey in September by Rosetta Stone, 58% of Americans believe the lack of foreign-language skills among native workers will lead to foreigners taking high-paying jobs.
We will never know for sure until someone discovers some form of bilingual tablet (an Indus Rosetta stone) that will help scholars break the code of the writing system.
Again, all this is written on the federal Rosetta stone, the federal Acquisition Regulation. Get to read it and you are in business, it is as simple as that.
The same thin girl with the mousy3 brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, "with rosetta stone ", but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.
The same thin girl with the mousy3 brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, "with rosetta stone ", but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.