In this particular case, the execution of the relation will produce a cross product between all the tables and all the owned members that match the criteria explained in the later rule.
By clicking a product in the revenue list, open those rules that contain the selected product in the head of the rule.
So, product rule is OK for taking the derivative of a dot product.
In Listing 1, a simple rule to match product Numbers of Thinkpad laptops is created from the URL rule definition.
Repeat sales: each product is the life cycle, each customer has a trading rule, grasp the two aspects of the data can take the initiative to promote the product sales.
As a general rule, the development of a new system or complex product is classified as a special product development.
You can get this either by implicit differentiation and the product rule, or you could get this just by putting here, here,and here the partial derivatives of this with respect to x, y, and z.
It will make the product easy to accept. The logic design follows the rule of the reason.
The representation of client requirement knowledge based on frame - rule and its inference process are presented, the product knowledge index and retrieve are analyzed.
The research on design-efficiency will improve the quality of design, and embody the rule of human-central, and will enhance the competitive of product.
通过对产品设计效率方法的研究,提高产品的设计质量, 更加体现人性化的设计原则,从而提高产品的设计竞争力。
The efficiency and results of product configuration design are related to the configuration rules in the Product configuration based on Rule-Reasoning.
This paper puts forward the model based on product configuration, the conception of part and component and the way of product configuration by knowledge and rule in database.
The formulas calculating higher derivatives of parametric functions and composite functions are given by the chain rule and the product formula for derivatives.
The rule for MRL(Maximum Residue Limit) establishment of raw and processed food was discussed, and some problems existing in the judgement of spinach and its product were also analyzed.
Leading zeros anticipatory logic is implemented based on a set of unified product rule, which can diminish the potential one bit error of original ones.
And the best rule of thumb is perhaps to follow Jobs' footstep of imposing cannibalization as a guiding principle to manage product life cycle.
Two stage search and sample match are emphasized in the paper. Then the final BOM is created on base of product model by knowledge and rule base which may decrease plenty of redundant information i…
Two stage search and sample match are emphasized in the paper. Then the final BOM is created on base of product model by knowledge and rule base which may decrease plenty of redundant information i…